"Turn and face the change" are words found in David Bowie's song "Changes". At times, we all need to face the changes around us and be willing to make the necessary changes to adapt to this ever-changing world.
Almost a year ago we started a simple list server for healthcare professionals. It's purpose: to allow peer to peer questions and answers in a way that is anonymous. It has caught on and in fact many people have provided us with suggestions on ways to make it simpler and better. We have listened and have "faced the changes".
Those changes are as follows:
- Subscribers now have the option of receiving Q&A emails in real-time (as they are posted) or in the form of daily summary reports (all messages collected throughout the day and sent at 11:45 PM Eastern Time)
- Updated Site Design
- Updated Question and Answer Forms
I know many of you have not signed up for this free service because you did not want a stockpile of instant emails. If you prefer a daily summary report, you now have that option. We have "turned and faced the change" and hope you like the changes we have made to the list server.