Cleaning Verification
AAMI and AORN recommend testing of the cleaning process daily, or each day used. Comply with these standards by utilizing ProFormance™ monitoring tools. Individually and as a part of complete kits, the ProFormance™ line of products provide an objective test of cleaning methods that are clearly visible and easy to interpret.
Cleaning Verification
Showing 1–12 of 14 results
$1.00ChannelCheck™ is a test strip used to detect hemoglobin, protein, and carbohydrates with just 1 sample.
ChannelCheck™ Convenience Pack
$1.00ChannelCheck™ Convenience Pack is an individual prepackaged ChannelCheck™ to detect residual protein, hemoglobin, and carbohydrate from a water sample.
$1.00FlexiCheck™ is a stainless-steel coupon with simulated blood soil and polysaccharide in a tube holder intended to evaluate the performance of automated processing machine lumen cleaning.
Getinge Assured – SafeStep ATP Monitor
$1.00The Getinge Assured ATP Monitor uses swabs, sponges, and an electronic reader to detect residual ATP from environmental and equipment surfaces, as well as instrument channels and surfaces.
$1.00HemoCheck™ detects the presence of residual hemoglobin.
$1.00HydroCheck™ detects residual channel moisture.
$1.00LumCheck™ is a stainless steel coupon with simulated blood soil loaded into a surrogate lumen holder that connects to automated processing machines with lumen cleaning.
$1.00ProChek-II™ tests for soluble and insoluble residual proteins ≥1 µg on surfaces and lumened/cannulated items.
ProChek-W™ Semi-Quantitative Protein Test
$1.00ProChek-W™ Semi-Quantitative Protein Test provides a semi-quantitative measurement of residual protein for soluble and insoluble protein.
ProFormance™ Washer Test Kits
$1.00Proformance™ Washer Kits are intended to evaluate machine performance including tests for water temperature, water quality, ultrasonic cavitation, and removal of artificial test soil.
Robotic Arm Check
$1.00Robotic Arm Check detects residual hemoglobin inside the channels of robotic instruments.
Sampling Swab Kits
$1.00Sampling Swab Kits are offered in a wide range of sizes and are used to collect samples to be used in conjunction with ProChek-II™ and HemoCheck™.